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Faster. Cleaner. Better.

Leverage the remediation power of our patented
Electro-Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process (ET-DSP™).

Learn more > Contact Us >

Empowering Your Team

A spectrum of full-service, client-focused advanced engineering solutions to help you manage your clients' environmental challenges.
McMillan-McGee designs and manufactures all components of the ET-DSP™ system. Each electrode, power delivery system, water circulation system, power controller and data sensor is designed, manufactured and assembled to exacting UL and CSA specifications.
There are 4 main specialty components to the ET-DSP™ system, the power delivery system (PDS), the electrodes, the water circulation system (WCS), and the temperature monitoring system (digiTAM™ and NEW** optiTAM).
Resolve liabilities and realize economic value in mere months rather than years. Schedule a consultation with McMillan-McGee today.
"We provide the most amazing technology for in-situ thermal remediation in the industry. We do the math, plug & play, deliver the wow factor and always continue to innovate. Our goal is to empower the industry with a safe and reliable solution to pollution. We listen and learn from our clients. We hold as a truth, the notion, that the end user is a partner in the ever turning wheel of innovation, and we are all sentimental to the intrinsic satisfaction of cleaning dirty dirt."
- Dr. Bruce C W McGee -
President & CEO, McMillan-McGee Corp.

World-Class Business Relationships

McMillan-McGee helps some of the world's leading companies manage their most challenging remediation projects with speed, resourcefulness and an ever watchful eye on the bottom line.